All manuscripts intended for publication in Journal of Educational Technology, Science and Mathematics should conform to the following guidelines:

Manuscript General Requirement

  1. The language of the journal is English. British or American English may be used, but consistency has to be maintain in the manuscript.
  2. The length of manuscript is 4.000-7000 words.
  3. Prepared your manuscript using journal template.
  4. The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  5. Please prepare your article by using Microsoft Word. The preferred file format is DOC or DOCX.
  6. Similarity index is less than 20% (Please check before submitting).

Structure and Criteria of Research Article

  1. Title: Straightforward, informative, and represents the contents of the article. (maximum 25 words).
  2. Author Information: Author information is Author(s) Name, Author(s) Affiliation, Author(s) email.
  3. Abstract: Concise but at least contain the problem, purpose, method, important findings, and implications of the research. The length of Abstract is 150-250 words.
  4. Keywords: Searchable by search engine, truly represents the intention of research. Don’t use phrases, only words. 3 to 5 keyword is recommended.
  5. Introduction: Directing the reader about the importance of the research. Presenting significant problems, a clear state of the art, gap analysis, and novel concepts to fill the gaps. End it with the purpose of research.
  6. Materials and Methods: Clear and replicable. Reveal how the research objectives were achieved with appropriate procedures and stages.
  7. Results and Discussion: Presenting data based on the right type of research. Presentation of data can be in the form of narrative, table, or an appropriate picture. Then the data is analyzed by comparing the concepts, theories, or results of previous research.
  8. Conclusion: Contains the most important research findings related to the objectives written in the introduction.
  9. References: Accountable, about 80% of the literatures from primary sources (reputable journals) and up to date (last 10 years). Use reference management tools, it is mandatory to use the Mendeley app. (APA 7th style).

  Structure and Criteria of Review Article

  1. Title: Straightforward, informative, and represents the contents of the article (maximum 25 words).
  2. Author Information: Author information is Author(s) Name, Author(s) Affiliation, Author(s) email.
  3. Abstract: Concise but at least contain the problem, purpose, method, important findings, and implications of the research. The length of Abstract is 100-200 words.
  4. Keywords: Searchable by search engine, truly represents the intention of research. Don’t use phrases, only words. 3 to 5 keyword is recommended.
  5. Introduction: Directing the reader about the importance of the research. Presenting significant problems, a clear state of the art, gap analysis, and novel concepts to fill the gaps. End it with the purpose of research.
  6. Materials and Methods: Presents the approach used in conducting a critical review.
  7. Results and Discussion: Presents important themes that contain analysis of theories, concepts, results of previous research on actual social environmental issues.
  8. Conclusion: Contains the most important research findings related to the objectives written in the introduction.
  9. References: Accountable, about 80% of the literatures from primary sources (reputable journals) and up to date (last 10 years). Use reference management tools, it is mandatory to use the Mendeley app. (APA 7th style).