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Copyright (c) 2024 Husna Fatwana, Budi Azhari, Sahar Abdo Mohamed Elsayed
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Construct self-efficacy to combat math anxiety: A systematic review
Corresponding Author(s) : Husna Fatwana
Journal of Educational Technology, Science and Mathematics,
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): May 2024 (In Progress)
This study intends to investigate how self-efficacy can reduce the anxiety that students encounter when learning mathematics. A systematic Literature Review is being used in this study to assess data from gathered publications. The articles, which had 16 primary studies and involved 179,088 people, were chosen after going through an inclusion process. The publications examined are ones from the Elsevier, Sage, Springer Link, Taylor & Francis, and Wiley Online Library databases that were published between 2014 and September 2023. Based on the year of the research, the methodology, and the subjects used, all papers were gathered. The findings of this study suggested that elevating students' self-efficacy can help them feel less anxious about arithmetic. Further research is hoped for because this study's findings are fairly confined to observations in the realm of mathematics and one affective skill will examine other affective competencies.
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